Uniting Cebu coasts through coastal resource adaptive participatory approaches for full marine ecosystems representation and wise management of coastal and marine environment in Southeast and Southwest Cebu coasts The Project Degradation and marine habitat loss are two of the pressing problems of the Philippines. The Visayan region of the Philippines […]
Read MoreTag: ocean literacy
Ecosystems Monitoring and Evaluation Project
A primary strategy used to protect coral reefs and associated systems is to design, plan, implement and track monitor marine protected areas (MPAs). Collecting data that measures the effectiveness of MPA’s is crucial to improve planning and management, and to educate stakeholders, government officials, and practitioners of marine resource management. […]
Read MoreOcean Literacy Portal
An Australian first, the portal will serve as a centralised platform repository of tools and resources to create an empowered and ocean-literate society The Project Surprisingly the ocean and marine environment is not well understood by the majority of us. Our health is dependent on its health. It nourishes us, […]
Read MoreOcean Literacy Review
Ocean literacy is defined as “an understanding of the ocean’s influence on you and your influence on the ocean”. An ocean literate person is able to understand the importance of the ocean for humankind, is able to communicate about the ocean in a meaningfully way, and has a more responsible […]
Read MoreSea Women of Melanesia
Providing indigenous women in Melanesia with training in conservation theory, scuba diving and marine biology survey techniques so they have the skills to communicate the need for marine reserves to their local communities The Project We’ve expanded our work in the coral triangle by partnering up with the Coral Sea […]
Read MoreCoastal Resource Management Library
Quality educational resources are an essential tool for empowering local communities with the knowledge to create long-term sustainable change. This is magnified in developing countries where resources are limited. The Project CCEF is a non-stock and non-profit organisation dedicated to the management and sustainable use of Philippine coastal resources through […]
Read MoreSaving Philippine Reefs
Philippines Date: Yearly Progress: Ongoing Every year divers from around the world join scientists on an expedition to the Philippines to monitor and collect valuable data on coral reefs that will assist in the management of marine protected areas. The Project The Philippines lies within the Coral Triangle, which has […]
Read MoreMelbourne Down Under
Australia Date: 2010 – 2015 Progress: Complete A multimedia campaign designed to showcase Melbourne’s best kept secret – a marine environment that rivals tropical reefs in colour and diversity. The Project At UCF we’re committed to tackling social and environment challenges not only in developing countries but also in our […]
Read MoreSEE Conservation
Philippines Date: November 2024 Progress: Complete Uniting Cebu coasts through coastal resource adaptive participatory approaches for full marine ecosystem representation and wise management of coastal and marine environments in southeast and southwest Cebu coasts. The Project The Visayan region of the Philippines contains high marine biodiversity and productive fisheries that […]
Read MoreUNICOAST – Uniting for Sustainable Coasts
Uniting Cebu coasts through coastal resource adaptive participatory approaches for full marine ecosystem representation and wise management of coastal and marine environments in southeast and southwest Cebu coasts. The Project The Visayan region of the Philippines contains high marine biodiversity and productive fisheries that provide a significant amount of food […]
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