Date: February 2023
Progress: In progress
An Australian first, the portal will serve as a centralised platform repository of tools and resources to create an empowered and ocean-literate society
The Project
Surprisingly the ocean and marine environment is not well understood by the majority of us. Our health is dependent on its health. It nourishes us, provides us with clean air and helps to regulate our climate.
Our impact on this environment is enormous, and without a better understanding of its importance and our connection, it’s difficult to influence how it is managed and protected.
In schools alone, ocean themes are still almost entirely absent from the Australian National Curriculum. This project aims to increase ocean literacy by:
- Consolidating diverse resources – from virtual experiences to teacher resources to hands-on activities – into a single, free online platform
- Supporting marine education to be taught in schools
- Connecting and providing community groups with resources
- Develop Australian Curriculum content descriptions and elaborations for the marine cross-curriculum priority from Foundation to Year 10
- Identifying and filling gaps in ocean literacy resources
The result will be a comprehensive resource hub, serving as a central repository of valuable content and tools, accessible to everyone that will foster an ocean-literate society that can make informed and responsible decisions regarding ocean resources and sustainability.
This project will ensure increased access to ocean education, allowing individuals and communities from across Australia to engage with comprehensive resources.
The portal will provide the opportunity for enhanced knowledge, awareness and understanding of marine ecosystems and human-ocean interactions to a wide range of users.
It will empower educators with valuable resources, foster collaboration among ocean literacy stakeholders and inspire behavioural change towards ocean conservation and stewardship, creating an ocean literate society.
What is Ocean Literacy
‘An understanding of the ocean’s influence on you and your influence on the ocean.’
An ocean-literate person:
- understands the essential principles and fundamental concepts about the ocean;
- can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way; and
- is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources.
The ocean literacy principle was first introduced with the intention for school curricula where Essential Principles of Ocean Literacy were developed, each containing learning concepts that build ocean knowledge.
Principle 1: The Earth has one big ocean with many features.
Principle 2: The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of Earth.
Principle 3: The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.
Principle 4: The ocean makes the Earth habitable.
Principle 5: The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.
Principle 6: The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected.
Principle 7: The ocean is largely unexplored.
Portal Development
The framework for the Australia-wide portal has been developed using Victoria as the model to test the infrastructure and commence consolidation of resources. This will be launched in the coming months and rolled out across the country
Check out the portal here:
The Organisation
Oceans IQ
OceansIQ is a not-for-profit that is building a comprehensive online marine education portal dedicated to telling the Ocean’s stories. OIQ aims to create the ability for end users globally to access and visually explore the world’s oceans and to learn about marine animals, plants, habitats, management issues and research through their website, YouTube Channel and other social media channels. They’re an experienced team of scientists and communicators who are also behind the BBC driven series – The Great Barrier Reef.
Find out more here:
Project Partners